- St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that business groups are happy about Missouri Governor Jay Nixon's proposal to grant partial tax amnesty to those who owe back taxes. Nixon wants the state to waive half the interest and 100 percent of the penalties on delinquent taxes for those who pay during a designated amnesty period. The Post-Dispatch reports that Nixon estimates the program would generate an extra $20 million to help fill a budget gap in the fiscal year that begins July 1. A Missouri Department of Revenue spokesman says Missouri last offered tax amnesty in 2002 and 2003. Missouri collected about $74 million in 2002 and $42 million in 2003. Nixon has not filed his proposal with the legislature yet.
- A Mountain lion has been sighted in Chesterfield. According to the Post-Dispatch, a wildlife camera captured the image. The Missouri Department of Conservation says it isn't sure, but most likely the mountain lion was on a quest for territory or a mate. The Post-Dispatch reports that the Jan. 12 images mark the first confirmed sighting in St. Louis County since 1994, and the 13th in the state. Although Mountain lion sightings are rare, there have been three in the state since November.
- Natural gas customers of Ameren Missouri can expect to see an increase of $3.30 in their monthly bills. Missouri has approved a rate increase for Ameren Missouri. The increase will take effect Feb. 1. The Missouri Public Service Commission said yesterday that the rate agreement will generate about $5.6 million annually for Ameren Missouri.
Morning headlines: Nixon proposes tax amnesty, Mountain lion sighting in Chesterfield, Ameren raising gas rates