A Midtown apartment building that was heavily damaged by a massive fire in July 2012 has re-opened.
The fire at 3949 Lindell displaced several hundred people. There were no human fatalities, though several pets were killed.

The cause of the fire was never determined, though officials do not believe it was suspicious. City fire chief Dennis Jenkerson says the new building goes above and beyond fire code.
"What they have done with this building is they actually took the attic area, which is what we burned off the last time and put sprinklers in it-which as you know, sprinklers are going to stop about 99 to 100 percent of all fires, or at least give us the time to get here and control a fire and extinguish it," Jenkerson said.
The system cost about $500,000 to install. The fire cost the company that owns the apartments about $25 million.