The events of August 2014 in the St. Louis region – not only the death of Michael Brown, but the way the city responded – captured the nation’s attention and highlighted the racial tensions that permeate the region.
But what happens when that attention wanes? What happens when the national reporters leave?
“We Live Here,” a new project from St. Louis Public Radio, is designed to keep these important conversations going. STLPR reporters Tim Lloyd and Emanuele Berry, along with editor ShulaNeuman, will spend the next year or more telling the stories of those who might not naturally be a part of the discussion and opening up the reporting process in an attempt to lay out a story bit by bit. From podcasts to features, they will invite us along on their journey.

“St. Louis Public Radio is committed to helping St. Louisans come to grips with the challenges our region faces,” says Shula. “We are uniquely suited to bridge racial chasms of experience and perception. We can build shared understanding of what’s at stake, why it matters and what might be done. We can empower citizens to make up their own minds about what course to take.”
Click here to read more of our Ferguson coverage, and keep an eye out for this important new series.