Hey everyone.
We’ve spent the past couple of months preparing for a season on the theme “Black on Campus.” But with efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, like many of you, we can no longer go on with “business as usual.”
We decided that now is not the time for a season about college campuses, especially when campuses are closed around the country. So we will be postponing the release of episodes about the black experience on college campuses until a later date.
Instead, we’ll be putting a racial and economic equity lens on the outbreak of COVID-19… and recovery from it. Like you, we don’t know how this is going to play out. But what seems certain is that this crisis will hit those with the least in our society the hardest. And you’re going to be hearing a lot of phone conversations because just like you we’re practicing social distancing.
We want to hear your stories about how COVID-19 is affecting you, so send a voice memo to welivehere@stlpublicradio.org or you can call 314-516-5588 and leave a message.
We’ll be dropping episodes at least once a week starting March 26. And we’ll step up production from there if we need to, so keep an eye on your feed.
Be safe and be kind to each other.