St. Louis Public Radio announces that Sarah Fenske will leave her post as host of St. Louis on the Air, effective June 22. Fenske will begin a new role in late June as executive editor for the Euclid Media Group, supervising all editorial content for the Riverfront Times, Detroit Metro Times, Cleveland Scene, Cincinnati City Beat and Louisville Eccentric Observer.
Fenske served as host of STLPR’s signature talk show for nearly three years. Prior to joining the radio station, she served as editor-in-chief of the Riverfront Times.
"I've loved getting to talk with so many smart and interesting St. Louisans for the past three years," Fenske said. "This job has been such a joy. But I have always been passionate about print journalism, and I couldn't pass up an opportunity to help mold the next generation of writers and editors."
With Fenske as host, St. Louis on the Air achieved record podcast and web traffic. Earlier this month, the show won a regional Edward R. Murrow award for itsdocumentary on the wrongful conviction of a Missouri man.
“Sarah is an excellent journalist and I’m incredibly proud of the show that she and the team put together during her tenure,” said Executive Producer Alex Heuer. “Sarah has superior news judgment and her engaging conversational style comforted guests and listeners alike. I’m thrilled that she’s staying in St. Louis and I’m excited about what she’ll bring to her new role.”
St. Louis on the Air is the St. Louis region’s premier talk show that airs at noon and 7 p.m. on 90.7 FM and anytime via podcast. Delivering in-depth and nuanced discussions about those who live, work and create in our region, the innovative program explores issues and challenges that confront the area, and celebrates the great parts of life here.
St. Louis Public Radio remains committed to continued innovation for its flagship program and a thorough search for a new host/producer is underway. After June 22, a mix of guest-hosted and encore segments will continue. The show will also undergo a brief summer hiatus while show content development continues.
Fenske and Heuer both said they look forward to Fenske's return to St. Louis on the Air as an occasional fill-in host in the months to come.
"As STLPR celebrates its 50th anniversary, I can't wait to see where the team takes the show next," said Fenske. “I know I’ll be listening.”