StoryCorps, the oral history project program that makes you laugh or cry every Friday during Morning Edition, has an assignment for you this Thanksgiving.
The Great Thanksgiving Listen is your chance to record stories from your grandparents, great aunts and uncles, or any important elder in your life.
Know how you've always planned to interview them? StoryCorps has made it easy with an app for Android and iOS. Learn more about how you can get involved.

StoryCorps is also working with teachers to encourage high school students to interview an elder by hosting this helpful toolkit of interviewing tips.
If you're from the St. Louis area and you make a recording, please let us know. We would like to feature your stories during St. Louis on the Air in the run-up to the winter holidays. Email us at:
And tune in to St. Louis on the Air on Wednesday, Nov. 25 to hear about how the local project, Grannie Annie, works with area children to save family memories.