The St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church in north St. Louis received $500,000 from the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund to restore its 120-year-old stained glass windows.
The adored resident polar bear at the St. Louis Zoo, Kali, was transferred to the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium in Ohio this week, and twin polar bear cubs have taken his place in St. Louis.
The Enjoy Illinois 300 will be a 240-lap, 300-mile race.
What would a monster look like if it were on vacation? Graffiti artists across the country will visually answer that question and more during St. Louis' annual Paint Louis festival on the riverfront.
After examining submissions from the public, flag commission members will select 10 entries based on how they reflect the identity of Illinois. The state legislature will have the final say.
Ted Drewes Jr. led the dessert stand for more than 80 years, helped by four generations of family members and employees.
Local playwright Kathleen Gamble's new play, “We Shall Not be Moved: The Jefferson Bank Protest,” tells the story of a critical period in St. Louis civil rights history.
“The Work of Art” at St. Louis Art Museum displays art made by people working for the Federal Art Project, a New Deal program better known for its grand, public murals. It includes the first works by African American artists to enter the museum’s collection. Many have never before been on view.
Community radio station KDHX and a group of station volunteers settled a lawsuit Friday ahead of a trial that was set for Tuesday in St. Louis Circuit Court.
An international fashion show will join the offerings at this weekend’s Festival of Nations in Tower Grove Park. Five designers will show work including contemporary designs and clothing that reflects traditional garb found in other countries.
The annual event, happening Aug. 24-25, brings thousands to Tower Grove Park for what’s known as the region’s largest multicultural gathering.
Lisa Jeanine Findley of Missouri is is charged with trying to defraud Elvis Presley’s estate of millions of dollars and steal ownership of the iconic Graceland property in Memphis.