Derek Cantù
Derek Cantù is NPR Illinois' graduate student Public Affairs Reporting intern for the spring 2021 legislative session.
Derek earned a B.S. in History and Secondary Education from Bradley University and an M.S. in Curriculum & Instruction from Kansas State University.
Derek has previous experience
Illinois is launching a $1.5 billion federally funded housing assistance program for Illinoisians hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The state should focus on home and community based services more than institutions for eldercare.
According to data collected by HFS between March and July 2020, 60% of COVID-related deaths of nursing home residents on Medicaid occurred at facilities where at least 10% of residents lived in rooms with three-plus people.
Democratic state lawmakers are pushing to make permanent many of the voting options Illinois piloted for the 2020 General Election last fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic.