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Ann Wagner Toes Party Line On Taxes, Despite "Fiscal Cliff"

Christine Page
St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Assoc.

Missouri Congresswoman-elect Ann Wagner says she would not support any plan to increase tax rates to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff.”

Failure to reach a deal before January First would result in immediate tax increases and across the board spending cuts.

Wagner spoke at a luncheon of the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association on Tuesday.  On the issue of the so-called “fiscal cliff” said she supports a compromise to generate revenue by reforming the nation’s tax code, while also preserving the Bush-era tax cuts on the wealthiest 2-percent of Americans.

“I am certainly at this point in time; I would not be in favor of increasing taxes on individuals, on the private sector, or on small businesses,” said Wagner.  “However I do believe that real tax reform and revenues vis-a-vis loopholes and deductions are a supreme possibility.”

Wagner said she’s optimistic that a deal will yet be reached during Congress’ lame-duck session.

The Second District Republican also weighed in on the ongoing fight between Republicans and the White House over the Setempber attacks against an American Consulate that took the lives of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.

Taking a step back from some of her future colleagues in Congress, Wagner withheld judgment about what many in the GOP are calling a “cover up.”

Wagner, herself a former ambassador to Luxembourg, said that any time lives are lost a full investigation is necessary, however her biggest concern is for the safety and security of American diplomats serving abroad.

“It’s absolutely too early to assign blame,” said Wagner.  “I think there’s still fact-finding and information that needs to be delved into and I think that will happen over time.  I think it’s not productive to have name calling and finger pointing at a time when we’re still investigating.”

Ann Wagner is set to be sworn in to the 113th Congress on January 3rd.

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