By Amanda Vinicky, Illinois Public Radio
Springfield, Ill. – Even though her husband could be headed to prison on a corruption conviction, the wife of former Governor George Ryan says they are at peace.
George and Lura Lynn Ryan were in Springfield Wednesday to sign copies of the new book "At Home With Illinois Governors" about the Illinois Executive Mansion. Lura Lynn Ryan helped complete the book.
George Ryan, who has been convicted of government corruption, refused to answer reporters' questions. And Mrs. Ryan spoke only briefly to reporters.
"I'm telling you, my conscience is clear. And so is George's," she said. "We get on with our life."
"When you've got a clear conscience and you're right with the Lord, I don't think too much bad can happen to you. And we have a lot of faith."
George Ryan was found guilty last year of steering state contracts to cronies and using taxpayer money for his campaigns. He's now trying a second time to get a judicial panel to rule a mistrial. His first such appeal was denied in August. He remains free awaiting a decision.
Springfield real estate developer Claudio Pecori was among those at the book signing Thursday. He says he bought a copy of "At Home with Illinois Governors" because he's interested in Springfield history but he also says he wants to support his friend.
"The agony and pain that they're going through is unbelievable and unimaginable," Pecori said. "I wouldn't want to go through it. Don't wish it on anybody."