Alexander Rice
Digital Products DeveloperAlex Rice is a Digital Products Developer at St. Louis Public Radio. He studied Web Design and Web Development at Southwestern Illinois College and is responsible for making web updates, designing back-end systems, and building and maintaining digital technology at the station.
If you notice something cool across the website, he may have had a hand in it.
Alex joined St. Louis Public Radio as an intern in 2018 and was hired as the Digital Media Developer later in 2019. He sees his future in building web solutions for non-profits.
Stories with a Digital Role
It’s been 10 years since Michael Brown Jr. was killed and the Ferguson Uprising that followed. To honor that history and reflect on where St. Louis is today, St. Louis Public Radio is bringing back the podcast “We Live Here” for a special season.In the show, host Chad Davis and producer Danny Wicentowksi reflect on some of the truths that Ferguson exposed, why there still is an open wound a decade later, and how community members continue to push for a better future.
In one of America’s deadliest cities, police have struggled to solve killings due to staffing shortages, shoddy detective work and lack of community trust.
The STL Welcome Kit gives you the information you need to understand and explore the St. Louis region.
A St. Louis Public Radio project about life, loss and hope five years after #Ferguson.
The covenants, widely used in the early- to mid-1900s, shut Black St. Louisans out of white neighborhoods for decades and had long-lasting impacts on communities. Many homeowners have no idea these legal documents still are associated with their deeds.