On the latest episode of Politically Speaking, state Rep. Bill Hardwick talks about his effort to legalize video gambling machines and other issues in the 2025 legislative session.
Hardwick is trying to pass legislation that would legalize video gambling machines that are usually found in truck stops and fraternal organization halls. His bill, which already passed through committee, could provide a funding boost for education.
Still, Hardwick acknowledged that his legislation could be unpopular with casinos, which likely see the legalization of the devices as competition.
“But the reason why I question that opposition is because there are already gaming devices across Missouri now and revenues aren’t in decline,” he said.
Among the other issues Hardwick discussed on the program were:
- His impressions of Gov. Mike Kehoe’s first-year agenda, including his push to have a gubernatorial board oversee the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.
- His proposed ballot item that would allow a governor to reject nominees for certain judges. If voters approve that measure, a commission that nominates judges would need to come up with new candidates if the governor doesn’t like its choices.
The Dixon Republican represents the 121st District, which takes in a portion of Pulaski County. Most of Hardwick’s district encompasses Fort Leonard Wood, as well as the city of St. Robert.
Hardwick was elected to the Missouri House in 2020 and won reelection in 2022 and 2024 without much trouble. The 121st District is heavily Republican.
Hardwick served as an enlisted soldier and officer in the Missouri National Guard and the U.S. Army. He also was an assistant prosecuting attorney for Pulaski County and the city prosecutor for St. Robert.