We know that you listen to us on air and check our website for news and information about our region. We hope that you look at our website every day, but we know that's not always possible. So, once a week, on Friday, we will highlight some of the website's top stories.
Going to the chapel
Mayor Slay Marries Four Same-Sex Couples At City Hall
Mayor Francis Slay issued marriage licenses to four same-sex couples Wednesday night, in a direct challenge to Missouri's ban on such unions. The four couples are all from St. Louis. The first to receive a license, Richard Eaton and John Durnell, have been together for 39 years.
Missouri's Rekindled Same-Sex Marriage Fight Highlights Political Shifts
The change in the political climate about gay marriage was evident Thursday. The two major Democrats battling for St. Louis County executive this summer – incumbent Charlie Dooley and challenger Steve Stenger – both sent out statements and Tweets during the day underscoring their support for same-sex marriage, gay rights and Mayor Francis Slay’s action. But few, if any, of the state’s top Republicans said anything about Slay’s actions or their longstanding opposition to same-sex marriage.
Cold war souvenir

Nike Missile Launch Site In Southern Illinois Can Be Yours For The Highest Bid
Real estate broker Wayne Keller has an unusual property to sell: the launch area of a Nike missile base constructed more than 50 years ago. From atop this peaceful hill in Monroe County, about 30 miles northwest of St. Louis, the U.S. Army once kept eyes on the skies, ready to blast Hercules missiles at Soviet bombers headed for St. Louis. The 14-acre site will be auctioned on July 12.
Primary election August 2014

Candidate Profile: Dooley's Experience Is Central In Re-election Bid
St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley has been “the issue’’ in each of his re-election campaigns during the past 10 years, with his opponents focusing on what they have seen as his flaws. Each time, though, Dooley has won. That is why, when Dooley talks about the importance of experience, it has a dual meaning — referring to his political career and his job.
Candidate Profile: Stenger Says St. Louis County Needs His Skills As CPA And Lawyer
Before he was a St. Louis County councilman, before he was an attorney and a certified public accountant, Steve Stenger was the lead singer in a rock and roll band that toured the area in the 1980s. Now Stenger is traveling around St. Louis County again as a Democratic candidate for county executive in the Aug. 5 primary. And he believes that many county residents will sing along to his latest political tune: “It’s time for a change.”

Stream And Pousosa Engage In Low-Velocity County Executive Primary
As St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley and Councilman Steve Stenger, D-Affton, duke it out in a very public fashion, a primary is transpiring on the Republican side in a much lower key. Missouri House Budget Chairman Rick Stream, R-Kirkwood, and Green Park Alderman Tony Pousosa are angling to reach the November election, both emphasizing their professional experience and personal styles.
On The Issues: Stream And Pousosa Share Vision For St. Louis County
Hear Rick Stream and Tony Pousosa on the major issues facing the county.
Dooley Vs. St. Louis County Council: Will Schism Last Beyond August Primary?
The few long-time regulars at St. Louis County Council meetings may be longing for the legislative body's customary 10-minute meetings after the past few weeks. That’s because in recent weeks, the meetings have turned into lengthy – and often bitterly hostile – clashes between St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley and most of the council, where a coalition of five council members has managed to block Dooley’s agenda.
Who's getting the boot?
Parking Study To Pave The Way For System Overhaul
The St. Louis treasurer’s office announced last week it has selected consultants Desmen to examine all aspects of the city’s parking division. According to Treasurer Tishaura Jones, the study is meant to be the basis for overhauling the system, which the office has overseen since 1951, but in recent years been bogged down by inefficiency, misconduct and outdated technology.
3-D graffiti

STL Art Game-Changers: Stan Chisholm Makes 'Weird Stuff' To Honor His Hometown
Stan Chisholm’s whole working-in-Styrofoam thing started with a need to keep moving. Wood is heavy. Styrofoam is light. It can be broken into pieces and easily transported in a suitcase or even a backpack, especially important during his car-less time at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Its unconventionality also infuses a bit of dark comedy into Chisholm’s work.