The Jazz Unlimited Sunday, July 27 show will be “The Jazz History of St. Louis, Part 4: The 1950’s.” The period saw the founding of the St. Louis Jazz Club, the entertainment district known as the Debaliviere Strip, the opening of the Blue Note Club in Centreville, IL, and the refurbishing of the Glass Bar and renaming it Peacock Alley. Music from the early careers of Oliver Nelson, Bob Graf, Hamiet Bluiett, Grant Green, Sammy Gardner, Jimmy Haislip and Muggsy Sprecher will be played. Some of the rare recordings include the recording debut of the Singleton Palmer Dixieland Six, Dewey Jackson Live at the Barrel, Leo’s Five from the Blue Note Club, the Bob Graf/Grant Green recording at the Holy Barbarian on the DeBalliviere Strip and the Jazz Central nonet. We will hear the voices of the people who made the history: Singleton Palmer, Miles Davis, Jeff Leopold, Norman Menne, Walter Dixon, Clark Terry, Lee Hyde, Herb Drury, Kenny Rice Charlie Menees, Harry Frost, Spider Burks, Kenny Rice and Phillip Wilson.
Check out the historical photographs in the slide show.
Here is the only extant video of Grant Green. He is accompanied by Kenny Burrell and Barney Kessell at Ronnie Scott's in London, 1969. The tune is "Blue Mist"