St. Louis on the Air
Noon-1 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. (repeat) Monday-Friday
St. Louis on the Air creates a unique space where guests and listeners can share ideas and opinions with respect and honesty. Whether exploring issues and challenges confronting our region, discussing the latest innovations in science and technology, taking a closer look at our history or talking with authors, artists and musicians, St. Louis on the Air brings you the stories of St. Louis and the people who live, work and create in our region.
St. Louis on the Air is produced by Alex Heuer, Emily Woodbury, Danny Wicentowski, Miya Norfleet and Elaine Cha. Our engineer is Aaron Doerr. Our intern is Jada Jones.
Recent Episodes:
The two contestants for St. Louis mayor took part in an often testy joint appearance on the Politically Speaking Hour on St. Louis on the Air.
A new invasive tick species was recently found in St. Louis County, with more sightings expected this spring and summer.
As Jurassic beasts roamed the Earth, a weasel-like animal called Morganucodon was making an evolutionary breakthrough in parenting.
St. Louis’ civic pride offers an opportunity for fellowship and honest discussions on how to make ‘the Lou’ a better place to work and live.
Susan Polgar led Webster University’s chess team from 2012 to 2021. With her at the helm, the school won five straight Final Four national chess championships.
Charles has fathered 27 owlets with seven mates. For now, he's keeping things casual with his new mate, May.
Home gardening experts from Missouri Botanical Garden and Seed St. Louis share tips on how and what to plant during spring.
Malin and attorney Dave Roland are trying to have a county prosecutor held in contempt for failing to turn over records.
Annie Malone’s contributions to St. Louis go beyond starting the second-longest Black American parade in the nation.
Despite the potential for expulsion or arrest — and deportation for some — St. Louis college student activists work to build coalitions and protect themselves as they prepare for future protests.
A 2021 Missouri law expanded claims of "actual innocence" beyond death penalty cases. It led to the release of Chris Dunn and others wrongfully convicted.
Republican state Rep. Peggy McGaugh wants to allow someone to serve up to 16 years in either the House or the Senate. Currently, most legislators can serve up to eight years in the House and eight in the Senate.