St. Louis Public Radio listeners know David Greene for his work with NPR's Morning Edition, and his years covering Russia and the White House. But before he joined NPR in 2005, Greene was a newspaper man. He credits an internship with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for jump-starting his career.
"It was really my entry into working in journalism in Washington," said Greene. He interned at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in the mid-1990s through a program called the Washington Center for Politics and Journalism. "I just learned a lot about newspaper, a lot about covering politics. Just a great group of journalists in that newsroom. Taught me so much."
Greene is back in St. Louis to host an NPR event at Saint Louis University called "Family Matters: Your Financial Lifetime." Robert Smith of Planet Money is co-hosting the event.

"About a year ago at Morning Edition, we did a series called Family Matters," said Greene. "We followed three families, and we were looking at this trend that we had caught in this country. Different adult generations were living together under the same roof."
Greene said that the goal for tonight's Family Matters event is to have a conversation between the audience and the expert panel about housing, planning for retirement and college costs.
While back in St. Louis, Greene sat down with St. Louis on the Air host Don Marsh to talk about his work.
On Being a Foreign Correspondent vs. Being a Host
On Russia
Greene is working on a book about Russia, but has no plans to leave Washington D.C. anytime soon. "My wife is opening up a restaurant," said Greene. "We signed a ten year lease."
Instead, he takes a break from Washington by attending events such as the one tonight in St. Louis.
Related Event
NPR Presents David Greene and Robert Smith in "Family Matters: Your Financial Lifetime"
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Room 409 in Saint Louis University's DuBourg Hall, 221 N. Grand Blvd.
For more information, visit the NPR website.
St. Louis on the Air provides discussion about issues and concerns facing the St. Louis area. The show is produced by Mary Edwards and Alex Heuer and hosted by veteran journalist Don Marsh.