At our latest forum at Wellspring Church in Ferguson, we wanted to help those attending visualize their top priority for moving Ferguson forward.
We gave each person attending the event a blue dot. They were asked to then assign the dot to their top priority in one of four areas:
- Justice For All: Police Reform
- Justice for All: Court Reform
- Youth at the Center
- Opportunity to Thrive
These areas spoke to the Ferguson Commission's 44 recommendations, detailed in their report (PDF).
Some people were decisive in where they assigned their priority. Others said, "We only get one dot? They're all a priority." Others resisted choosing one priority out of the belief that the Ferguson Commission's recommendations didn't adequately cover their concerns.
In the end, Opportunity to Thrive and Youth at the Center were top priorities for most attendees.
After hearing the panel of community members, people were asked if they'd like to choose a different priority than the one they chose earlier. Most said that their top priority remained the same, though a few did change their position.

Want to make your voice heard? We've got a number of ways for you to tell us what you think of the Ferguson Commission report and the conversations around it.
- Hear what Ferguson Commission members, Ferguson's mayor, and other experts had to say on St. Louis on the Air.
- Use our web app to arrange the Commissions recommendations into your priorities.
- Check out the conversation on Twitter with #BeyondFerguson.