The St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs baseball rivalry is the stuff of legend. The teams and their rabid fan-bases now have the chance to put the walk in their talk as the two battle it out in the National League Division Series.
Tied at one game apiece, the Cubs and the Cardinals play this evening at Wrigley Field. We thought we’d have a little good, old-fashioned public radio fun by agreeing to a friendly wager with WBEZ, the public radio station in Chicago.
The leaders of both St. Louis Public Radio, Tim Eby, and WBEZ, Goli Sheikholeslami, have already made a bet. If the Cardinals lose, we will send them barbecue from Pappy’s Smokehouse. If the Cardinals are victorious, we will get some Chicago deep-dish pizza from Lou Malnati’s.

“St. Louis on the Air” wanted in on the action. So we also have a little wager going with WBEZ’s talk show, “Morning Shift.” If the Cardinals lose, we will send St. Louis’ Pi Pizzeria, which happens to be a favorite of President Obama’s. Producer Alex Heuer talked with their producer and director, Jason Marck, earlier today. They talked about the bet, the series and partook in some friendly verbal jousting.
What silly (or not-so-silly) bets are you making over this series? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us at @STLonAir.
"St. Louis on the Air" discusses issues and concerns facing the St. Louis area. The show is produced by Mary Edwards, Alex Heuer and Kelly Moffitt and hosted by veteran journalist Don Marsh. Follow us on Twitter and join the conversation at @STLonAir.