This Memorial Day weekend, the St. Louis Science Center's Omnimax theater will be screening a film that gives audience members a close-up look at one of the most important weapons in America’s military arsenal – nuclear powered aircraft carriers.
On Friday’s St. Louis on the Air, host Don Marsh talked with writer, director and producer Mark Krenzien about the IMAX film “Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the Seas,” which takes place on the heavily restricted USS Ronald Reagan.
The film occurs during the Rim of the Pacific Maritime (RIMPAC) training exercises, portraying the crucial role modern aircraft carriers play in maintaining security in the seas. The Reagan is the flagship of more than 50 ships hailing from 22 nations.
“[RIMPAC] is the largest naval exercise held, and the idea is that nations that have any workable relations want come together to coordinate how to use their navies,” Krenzien said.

He emphasized one of the film’s points that due to how powerful navies around the world are, “the best case scenario is to not use them for their ultimate power, and the way this is best avoided is to cooperate.”
With a crew of around 6,000 people, the Reagan flagship is powered by nuclear energy, only needing to refuel every 20 years.
“The captain, you can say, is the mayor of a major city,” Krenzien said. “It’s quite a fascinating place to be.” The film gives a glimpse of the complex engineering of the ship using animation.
One of the things Krenzien said he enjoyed most about being on the ship was the crew’s diversity – with men and women, teenagers and adults working side by side.

“These are young teenagers and others that are working in what is clearly one of the most dangerous working environments anywhere, and you see the support,” he added.
Now Showing:
What: IMAX film “Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the Seas”
When: through June 7, 2018
Where: St. Louis Science Center,5050 Oakland Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110
St. Louis on the Air brings you the stories of St. Louis and the people who live, work and create in our region. St. Louis on the Air host Don Marsh and producers Mary Edwards, Alex Heuer, Evie Hemphill andLara Hamdan give you the information you need to make informed decisions and stay in touch with our diverse and vibrant St. Louis region.