There are roughly 2.8 million people living in greater St. Louis, many of whom would be surprised to know that they share the space with a good variety of wildlife.
The St. Louis Wildlife Project now has four seasons of data that they hope will give insight into how wildlife occupy and utilize the region’s urban spaces. For the past year, they’ve collected images from 34 motion-activated cameras planted in parks and green spaces across St. Louis. They’ve spotted foxes, turkeys, river otters and even a couple bobcats.
The St. Louis Wildlife Project is a collaboration between the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and the Tyson Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis.
Thursday on St. Louis on the Air, Sarah Fenske talked with project researchers, including Tyson’s natural resources coordinator, Elizabeth Biro, and Whitney Anthonysamy, an assistant professor of biology at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy.
Hear their conversation:
“St. Louis on the Air” brings you the stories of St. Louis and the people who live, work and create in our region. The show is hosted by Sarah Fenske and produced by Alex Heuer, Emily Woodbury, Evie Hemphill and Lara Hamdan. The engineer is Aaron Doerr, and production assistance is provided by Charlie McDonald.
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