The horse racetrack’s new owner, Accel Entertainment, plans to build a new casino, put in a restaurant, improve the track and eventually build a concert venue over the next three years.
Interim Commissioner Doug Burris sat down with STLPR reporter Lacretia Wimbley to discuss how he’s navigating his new role amid public scrutiny and pending lawsuits against the St. Louis City Justice Center.
U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley said he’s talked to President Trump about keeping the state’s priorities intact as cuts are made.
Three seats are up for grabs for the April 8 election. The St. Louis Board of Education is in charge of governing one of the largest public school districts in the region.
Black pediatric patients believed to have neurological conditions are going untreated according to a new Washington University School of Medicine study.
Hadley Township, a former neighborhood in Richmond Heights, is one of the last Black communities in the St. Louis region destroyed by urban renewal efforts.
It’s a problem that metastasized over decades, making it unrealistic to expect a speedy solution to the roughly 25,000 vacant buildings and lots inside city limits.
A group of parents, students and school leaders held a "Day of Action" in Jefferson City, where they asked state lawmakers to support legislation to fully fund public schools.
Many of the St. Louis nonprofit’s clients are veterans who have spent at least 10 years in state prison. One case manager at the nonprofit is helping others land on their feet, just as he was helped through the program.
Varios negocios hispanos cerrarán temporalmente la próxima semana como parte de un esfuerzo coordinado para resaltar las contribuciones económicas y culturales de los inmigrantes en la región tras los planes de deportación de Trump.