The Senate also approved a bill that would ban cellphones in schools, and another that would limit the power of the courts to change ballot language.
The two bills heard Wednesday are among several filed that would delay, alter or roll back Proposition A’s changes passed by voters in November.
Missouri Republicans have made multiple attempts in recent years to raise the approval percentage a proposed constitutional amendment needs in order to pass.
In November, Madison County in the Metro East became the first nonrural county to pass a symbolic secession referendum.
At a rally on Thursday, Amendment 3 supporters said they expect legal challenges from legislators who oppose abortion.
The nonbinding advisory referendums, which include Madison County, are seen by advocates as a way to quantify discontent with the direction of Illinois’ state government. Critics say actually forming a new state is far-fetched.
The results are nonbinding, but lawmakers may consider them when proposing policy.
Proposition A would raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026 and require companies to provide paid sick leave for workers.
The campaign behind the reproductive-rights amendment plans to appeal the decision, and as part of the judge’s stipulations, Amendment 3 will not yet be taken off the ballot
If approved by Missouri voters, the development would include a hotel, convention center, restaurants and other attractions.