A federal appeals court ruled Monday that Missouri can’t prevent any political action committee from donating to another political action committee.The…
The St. Louis County Council isn’t finished changing up the county’s charter.Council members on Monday sent four charter amendments for voter approval.…
After ruling that a proposed St. Louis County charter amendment had a misleading ballot summary, a judge struck down a measure to enact campaign donation…
St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger is refusing to go along with legislation providing raises in the Justice Center — which includes the jail.At…
St. Louis County voters will be asked in August whether to expand the County Council’s powers and impose campaign donation limits on candidates running…
A series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions including Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission struck down long-standing campaign finance laws. The…
Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens is the state’s first chief executive to set up nonprofit groups that can raise unlimited amounts of money from unknown…
Once perceived as all-powerful, Missouri’s two major political parties have been relegated to the balcony ever since the state got rid of…
Updated Dec. 8 from Dec. 1 article to reflect more donations and suit actually filed - Opponents filed suit Wednesday to block part of Missouri’s new…
Less than two weeks after the November 2014 election, only three proposed initiative petitions for the 2016 ballot had been filed with the Missouri…