In 2024, the Metro East city recorded 20 homicides. At the most recent peak in 2017, that same figure stood at 37.
St. Louis had its lowest number of homicides last year since 2013, and overall crime is down 15% since 2023. Officials say the department’s use of technology is helping get people who commit crimes off the streets.
By fostering relationships with neighborhoods and community organizations that are already connected to young people, Wil Pinkney believes the City of St. Louis can better address the root causes of violence.
The U.S. Department of Justice identified St. Louis as a city “most in need of crime-fighting resources.”
Homicides dropped by 21% between 2022 and 2023, and juvenile shootings were nearly cut in half last year. City leaders attribute the decline to various police efforts, but crime experts say there's more to consider — including COVID and national trends.
Gov. Mike Parson named Gabe Gore, a former federal prosecutor and Ferguson Commission member, to the post in May after the resignation of Kim Gardner.
Homicides in the city of St. Louis have decreased 20% since last year, and juvenile shootings are down nearly 40% this year, according to Mayor Tishaura Jones' office.
The decision comes after a recent regional crime summit for the St. Louis area. The action by the East-West Gateway Council of Governments passed through a voice vote, with no audible dissent.