While the typical American may be considering how to use alternative fuel in the form of an electric car or investing in a “smart home” system, big…
Missouri's Department of Economic Development has unveiled 17 recommendations for how Missouri should use and conserve energy.The recommendations are the…
The controversy over coal use hits close to home.It’s not only that coal-burning companies Ameren Missouri, Peabody Energy, and Arch Coal are…
There’s no shortage of incentive programs to install energy-efficient appliances and fixtures in Missouri, but a new report shows that affordable,…
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has renewed the operating license for Ameren's Callaway nuclear power plant through 2044.But ongoing litigation could…
Time is running out to provide input on Missouri’s state energy plan.The public comment period officially ends on Saturday, although the online form will…
A local environmental group is asking state regulators to deny Ameren’s request to build a new coal ash landfill next to its Labadie power plant in…
For the first time, the byproducts of coal-fired power plants will now be subject to federal regulation.In a state like Missouri, which generates more…
It’s sticker shock turned upside down.Filling up your gas tank is almost pleasant as prices at the pump continue to fall. In St. Louis on Monday, a gallon…
When it comes to energy, U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt says that the federal government has taken the wrong approach for years.“The refusal to acknowledge that…