After the Trump administration paused immigration efforts in January, the effects on families across the nation have been devastating. One Afghan man says his family members who were supposed to arrive in February are in limbo, and he needs St. Louisans to advocate for refugee resettlement funding.
Nearly 26,000 people work for the federal government in the St. Louis metropolitan area. If a portion lose their jobs, some economists said it will have overall trickle-down effects, while others believe it wouldn’t have broader implications.
As many as 770,000 Illinoisans could lose health coverage under GOP federal budget plan, according to the Democratic governor.
Resettlement agencies and immigrant and refugee service providers in the St. Louis region have begun to scale back services for immigrants and refugees due to Trump’s executive order to pause federal funding.
Federal authorities have sentenced 15 members of south St. Louis gang 55 Boyz for fentanyl dealing, gun crimes and money laundering. The investigation involved St. Louis police and federal agents.
In an emailed statement, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey did not mention the court’s decision to dismiss the case, instead declaring that his office will continue to pursue evidence of social media censorship by the federal government.
The program would provide $40 in food benefits for each month an eligible child is on summer break, loaded onto a card that can be used like a debit card to purchase groceries. Missouri's decision is nonbinding, and the state now has until Feb. 15 to submit a detailed plan to the federal government.
U.S. Rep. Cori Bush, D-St. Louis County, requested the U.S. Government Accountability Office evaluate the cleanup of the St. Louis County site contaminated by radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project.
In the years following the Civil War, a plan to move the nation's capital to St. Louis won significant support. Journalist Livia Gershon discussed her new piece in Smithsonian Magazine on St. Louis on the Air.
This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, Oct. 15, 2013 - The deadlock in Washington, D.C., is the product of numerous factors. There is the…