On Dec. 1, the City of St. Louis launched winter operations to help support people without housing during the coldest months of the year. Community volunteers and organizers who work to support those who are homeless, however, have serious concerns.
With a fraction of millions of American Rescue Plan Act dollars allocated or spent, the city and groups serving the homeless face each other across a divide of paperwork and procedures.
St. Louis cleared two homeless camps on Monday. The fate of a larger encampment is unclear.
Residents of four St. Louis encampments are now packing up their belongings in anticipation of a May 2 eviction. City officials cite health concerns, but residents question the timing of the city’s notice to vacate.
Jerry Tovo is a drill sergeant turned commercial photographer. His new exhibition opens soon at the International Photography Hall of Fame.
Nicole Warrington of St. Louis is just a volunteer with no official position, but she’s gotten 400 calls from social workers at local hospitals in the past year, all seeking help finding places to take the homeless patients they’re discharging.
St. Louis has set aside more than $43 million in federal funding for homeless services and housing support. Advocates hope to see progress before deadly winter weather arrives.
Yusef Scoggin has led St. Louis County’s Office of Family and Community Services since 2017 and will become the city's next director of human services.
OtherSt. Louis’ first intentional encampment for homeless people provides an alternative for residents of the impromptu Interco Plaza encampment downtown.
A program at St. Patrick Center that houses at-risk homeless women in St. Louis has been in a precarious position in recent years, but an influx of federal funding has allowed it to expand its capacity.