The Illinois Department of Public Health reported Jan. 7 the state is at a “high” level for respiratory illness activity. Between COVID, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza and norovirus, some health care professionals say we are experiencing a “quademic."
As hearings begin this week, independent court monitor says Illinois' services are ‘in stark contrast to national best practices.’
A caregiver at the southern Illinois facility used their leg to pin a patient with developmental disabilities.
Illinois hospitals routinely skirt one of the nation’s strongest laws protecting victims of sexual assault — including Alton Memorial and Blessing Hospital in Quincy.
Willowcreek shut down because of financial issues, according to Steve Miller, the owner and operator of the two nursing homes under the Helia Healthcare company.
Illinois officials now recommend the use of masks in certain settings as COVID-19 hospitalizations have risen across the state in recent weeks.
Despite the findings, some say ‘Healthy Illinois 2028’ is missing key areas of focus.
As Cahokia Heights residents found themselves continuously sick with respiratory conditions, heart problems, and bacterial infections they had one question — where were the health officials?
The state already had infection control guidance in place, yet 36 died in the November 2020 outbreak at state-run facility.
More than 650 people have been employed as community health workers in Illinois. Congress authorized $55 million for community health programs nationally during the pandemic. That funding will run out in June and neither the workers nor the communities they assist know what will happen next.