Missouri could be the first test of a more aggressive strategy to keep abortion off the ballot and out of the state constitution.
The Federal Reimbursement Allowance, which is a tax on hospitals, ambulance districts, nursing homes and pharmacies, is set to expire at the end of September. The Senate gave it initial approval early Thursday morning after more than 40 hours of filibustering by the Missouri Freedom Caucus.
Missourians for Healthy Families and Fair Wages held a Jefferson City rally as it submitted 210,000 signatures to the Secretary of State.
The Senate has already passed similar legislation, which is awaiting House debate.
The annual state budget and a tax that funds the bulk of Missouri’s Medicaid program are two things that must pass this session.
Ballot initiatives are one way for voters to assert their power over the political whims of Missouri's state legislature or courts. They are often viewed as more stable and harder to undo.
The Platte County Republican has sponsored legislation the last couple of sessions that would legalize sports betting.
The proposed change would expand the scope of citizen-initiated amendments to allow for changes to a requirement that candidates for state offices must file statements of economic interest.
Factional warfare marks passage of Republican priority as Freedom Caucus members denounce leadership for stripping out provisions labeled ‘ballot candy.’
Senate Democrats filibustered against the bill from early Monday evening into Tuesday afternoon. They ultimately stood down after the passage of a bipartisan amendment that stripped the proposal down to its main goal, which they think voters will reject.