Murphy served as the St. Louis sheriff for nearly 30 years after a career in politics. His skills on the soccer pitch earned him two international appearances with the U.S. Men's National Team.
While city or state ordinances still could bar chicken ownership, homeowners associations, deed restrictions or similar agreements cannot.
A lawsuit that seeks to reimburse remote workers who paid the city’s earnings tax awaits a ruling from the Missouri Court of Appeals.
Other recommendations by the committee included an exemption of the earnings tax for low-income workers as well as reimbursements for remote workers.
A committee examining city earnings taxes will meet again in St. Louis on Monday.
As the St. Louis Board of Aldermen considers a proposal to provide property tax relief for seniors, the St. Louis County Council will again debate the issue after rejecting an earlier bill. The discussions come as the Missouri House continues to examine personal property taxes and the earnings tax.
Despite the Missouri House voting to overturn multiple budget vetoes, the Senate did not take any further action, leaving those vetoes intact.
The legislation changes Missouri law by requiring judges start each child custody case with the presumption that “equal or approximately equal” parenting time for each parent is in the child’s best interests. But the bill, passed in the final hour of the legislative session, could make it more difficult for victims to escape abusive relationships and protect their children.
On the last day before the legislature takes a week off, the House also passed legislation including banning discrimination in schools against traditionally Black hairstyles and creating nurseries in women’s prisons.
Bill would prohibit police from using chokeholds and would establish a use-of-force database for departments. It also eliminates the residency requirement for the Kansas City Police Department.