The USDA backed away from forcing livestock farmers to use electronic identification tags, but an advocacy group is still trying legal means to keep it from happening in the future.
The Missouri Farm Bureau and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are partnering on an initiative to control the aggressive black vulture population.
People are eating a lot of meat, both in the U.S. and around the world, and that could be good news for the cattle sector in 2020. Things are looking up...
Franklin County is considering zoning changes that would allow large livestock operations to be built in areas where they haven’t been permitted before.…
Holly Bickmeyer is worried about what a large livestock operation would do if it moves in next door. She points to the small lake in front of her house on…
Owners of animals in Missouri that cause property damage are no longer liable unless negligence can be proven in court.The new law took effect Wednesday…
Legislation now before Gov. Jay Nixon could give corporate agriculture more input into the state’s water resources. It could lead to more industry…
A University of Missouri veterinary professor says farmers need to be careful when feeding drought-damaged corn to their livestock.Tom Evans is an…
Governor Jay Nixon (D) has called on the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission to allow livestock farmers to let their herds flash graze…
The fast food chain Hardee’s says it will stop buying pork from suppliers who use gestation crates – the cramped metal cages where many industrial pork…