In the last month of Missouri's legislative session, lawmakers are likely to change — if not completely eliminate — some of the initiative petitions the…
A Missouri House committee has approved major changes to the state’s criminal justice system, including giving judges more leeway in nonviolent crime…
An election cycle in Missouri that saw 371 petitions submitted to change the state’s laws or constitution is prompting a new discussion among lawmakers…
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt wants more severe penalties for carjackers — especially when they use a deadly weapon.Schmitt threw his support…
One of the first major policy issues introduced in the Missouri General Assembly every year is K-12 education funding, which takes up a fifth of the state…
Missouri public school teachers educate their students on civics and the workings of government, but those same teachers aren’t allowed to participate in…
Mike Meinkoth vividly remembers how term limits were sold to Missourians in 1992: By limiting lawmakers to eight years in the House and eight years in the…
Updated at 5:45 p.m. with Greitens' office comment — Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens has set up a task force that’s meant to examine which of the state’s…
On a day that looked like it might be a busy one for the Missouri Senate, lawmakers adjourned Thursday without taking a final vote on banning cities and…
On the latest edition of the Politically Speaking podcast, St. Louis Public Radio’s Jason Rosenbaum and Jenny Simeone welcome state Rep. Jean Evans to the…