Retired astronaut and U.S. Air Force officer Catherine “Cady” Coleman is among very few people who have lived in space. But during a visit to St. Louis…
Engineer Brooke Harper has spent the last four and a half years making sure that the Mars lander InSight would make a graceful descent on the red planet.…
Bob Behnken is helping NASA usher in a new era.The astronaut, who grew up in St. Ann, has nearly 40 hours walking in the vacuum of space. Now he is part…
Come Aug. 21, NASA will be in Jefferson City, one of seven cities chosen from which to broadcast a live feed of the total solar eclipse.Janet Kavandi, a…
Data from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft suggest that a syrupy ocean filled with ammonia could dwell beneath Pluto's icy shell. There is no direct…
A giant balloon will soon provide scientists at Washington University in St. Louis a view of black holes in the Milky Way galaxy. Researchers will launch…
Boeing's St. Louis-based Defense, Space & Security division is providing more details about a project with NASA that's designed to help resume U.S.-based…
The world is sitting at the intersection of science fiction and science fact, in large part because of sci-fi devotees.“People who are actively aware of…
There is a St. Louis-area connection to the mission that recently landed a spacecraft on a comet for the first time.Paul Friz is wrapping up an internship…
NASA announced Tuesday it will award Boeing $4.2 billion to build one of two spacecraft to take American astronauts to the International Space…