Community radio station KDHX has less than $7,000 in the bank and is actively looking at possibly selling its assets, a station lawyer argued in a court hearing.
With $1 million in funding from the federal government, R3 Development leaders hope they can be operational with their expansion in about 18 months.
With its recent expansion to public high schools in St. Louis and University City, Show Me the World is raising money to support more than 100 students throughout the region.
A St. Louis-based youth organization is working to help break gender disparities in science and technology fields by boosting young girls' interest in STEM — one shop class at a time.
The Metro East community's population has been dropping since the 1950s. Lansdowne Up wants to reverse that trend by building the first market-rate housing in decades.
Call for Help Inc., an East St. Louis-based nonprofit known for assisting people in need, said it was shutting down at the end of September.
The goal of the nonprofit Veterans Community Project of St. Louis is to help transition homeless veterans to permanent housing.
A report from Illinois Humanities finds the groups it funds lost $24 million in revenue during the pandemic, but also developed creative ways to adapt and meet community needs.
Lawmakers argued the change was needed to ensure donors can maintain privacy while giving to causes they believe in.
Cousins Jodie Finney and Alicia Christopher each have a parent dealing with dementia. They want to equip caregivers for their work.