Unlike pricey club sports, New Dimensions is free, offering unstructured play for kids who need it.
Forest ReLeaf is the recipient of the Arbor Day Foundation’s first-ever Environmental Equity Grant, which will fund 200 new trees for the city’s Ville community.
People whose donations are rejected by a nonprofit are less likely to donate again, according to a new study from researchers at Washington University’s Olin Business School.
Got Your Six Support Dogs has trained 50 service dogs for veterans with PTSD.
An annual online crowdfunding campaign gives St. Louis nonprofits a boost. During the pandemic, fundraising is even more critical.
For 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, the St. Louis Crisis Nursery welcomes children in need of care due to factors like homelessness, illness or extreme parental stress. Molly Brown discussed the nursery's 35-year history on "St. Louis on the Air."
Black Squares is a new program looking to expand access to chess for low-income and Black and brown youth in north St. Louis. The founders explain how they're planning to make a St. Louis version of Washington Square Park in the Hyde Park neighborhood.
For 15 years, the Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration has encouraged young people to discover, write and share stories about their family history. The St. Louis-based nonprofit’s co-founder, Connie McIntyre, would like people of all ages to seek out their family history this holiday season, whether they do so in person or on a video call.
Back in January, long before most Americans were suddenly stocking up on groceries and other essentials, Regina Mossotti and her colleagues were already…
At a 2017 funeral service for a student at Yeatman-Liddell Preparatory Middle School in north St. Louis, Nate Oatis noticed a young friend of the victim…