The Better Business Bureau says scams involving fake sweepstakes and lotteries are on the rise in St. Louis and around the country. In a report released…
Consumers in the St. Louis region reported losses of nearly $200,000 to the Better Business Bureau last year due to scams.The non-profit said its online…
Beware of scammers who’ve discovered the convenience of iTunes gift cards, warns the St. Louis Better Business Bureau.It’s just a new version of an old…
Congratulations! You've just clicked on what could be the most SHOCKING/INFORMATIVE/FRIGHTENING news that you will read…
Scammers have been targeting artists, and it’s not a pretty picture, says the St. Louis Better Business Bureau.The scam is a twist on the “fake check” or…
While technology has changed, at least one thing has remained constant: Scammers are always looking for new ways to exploit those who are easily…
Last year the Consumer Protection Division of the Missouri attorney general’s office received 57,000 complaints about a wide variety of scams and fraud,…
Updated March 12, 2015 with a response from I Am My Sister’s KeeperAccording to the woman behind I Am My Sister’s Keeper, Bella Beaudreux, the…
Our recent reports about assorted consumer scams brought an interesting response from a Saint Louis University law student who is developing an online…
Reporting on scams is like pulling weeds. Report on one, and two new ones pop up in its place. Here are some new scam alerts for area residents:The Jury…