Page calls the proposal to give the county council the power to fire directors a power grab.
Michael Archer’s victory means Republicans will keep three seats on the seven-member St. Louis County Council and could pair with Democrats opposed to County Executive Sam Page to thwart his policies or push through changes he opposes.
Lawyers hired under Proposition C would help the St. Louis County Council draft legislation, offer legal advice and file and defend lawsuits.
The partisan balance on the St. Louis County Council is likely to remain the same following November’s general election, but the results of the primaries may change the relationship between the council and County Executive Sam Page.
The protest, involving about 100 people, started during public comment on a resolution marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It included a chant that some say calls for the destruction of the state of Israel while others say it’s a rallying cry for a Palestinian homeland.
The speech at the University of Missouri-St. Louis included the unveiling of a new logo for St. Louis County.
St. Louis County Executive Sam Page says the budget cuts will result in a reduction or elimination of some county services.
County Executive Sam Page said he has issues with the state law that allows for such measures but elected to not veto the property tax freeze on some seniors’ homes.
The restrictions only apply in unincorporated areas of St. Louis County. They had the backing of the police chief and the union representing police officers.
Proponents of the measure could still gather signatures to put the property tax freeze for seniors on the ballot next year.