Updated with first-round board approval Nov. 10 - Measures boosting the age to buy tobacco products in the city of St. Louis sailed out of the Health and…
Updated 7:50 a.m., Sept. 7 with council approval - The minimum age to purchase tobacco and vaping equipment in St. Louis County is about to change. The…
Can’t stop smoking? Your genes might be part of the problem.After a case review of 24 studies involving 29,000 participants, researchers at Washington…
The Missouri Senate and Missouri House have both passed bills to ban sales of electronic nicotine delivery devices to minors.House Bill 1690 and Senate…
In the 50 years since the Surgeon General first reported on the dangers of smoking tobacco, much has been done to effect change. At the time of the first…
A Words to Live By award goes to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who reportedly advised her fellow Democrats to “embrace the suck” and vote…
This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon: The film Platoon is narrated by a fictional American infantryman in Vietnam named Chris Taylor. At…
A proposal to ban smoking in the Capitol offices of Missouri House members has been snuffed out by a committee. The House Rules Committee rejected the…
Missouri voters have narrowly defeated an effort to raise the state’s tobacco tax.If Proposition B had passed, the tax on a pack of cigarettes would have…
Missouri has the lowest cigarette tax of any state in the country – and some of the highest smoking and lung cancer rates. A measure on tomorrow’s ballot…