Under the proposal, the mayor would remain the political head of the City of St. Louis but lose oversight of departments. That responsibility would fall to a city administrator.
The free identification card can be used to obtain housing and employment. It will not change someone’s immigration status and cannot be used for voting or to buy items that require age verification like alcohol, tobacco or marijuana.
St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones is seeking a second term in office. Alderwoman Cara Spencer, Recorder of Deeds Michael Butler and businessman Andrew Jones are also running for mayor.
The free identification card can be used to get housing and employment. It will not change someone’s immigration status and cannot be used for voting or to buy goods that require age verification like alcohol, tobacco or marijuana.
Aldermen at Monday’s hearing mostly asked broader questions about the legislation, wanting to know more about the mechanisms for neighborhood development, provisions for city workers and new child care programs.
“Every neighborhood deserves to benefit from this investment,” St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones said.
The offices of mayor and comptroller, as well as the odd wards on the St. Louis Board of Aldermen are up for election. Filing closes Jan. 3, and the primary election is March 4.
Some members of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen say they’re planning a bill that would counter board legislation introduced Friday for spending the Rams settlement money.
The board bill seeks to infuse $232.5 million into development in north St. Louis, southeast St. Louis and downtown.
The measure levies an extra 3%-per-night fee on the cost of a short-term rental, with the money going to affordable housing.