Librarians Jennifer Alexander of St. Louis County Library and Kathy Condon Boettcher of St. Louis Public Library share their favorite books released in 2021.
Federal health officials on Tuesday gave final approval for a lower dose of the Pfizer vaccine to be administered to kids as young as 5.
Librarians Jennifer Alexander and Jen Ohzourk share their favorite beach reads of all time.
The county's Children's Service Fund is covering most of the cost of the two-year pilot.
St. Louis County Library Director Kristen Sorth discusses the GrandPad initiative, intended to distribute about 1,500 tablets as part of a Digital Equity Initiative.
The St. Louis County Library's Tap In Center seeks to provide a safe space for people who need assistance in resolving warrants, meeting with an attorney, learning their case status or applying for a public defender.
Journalist Masuma Ahuja discusses her book "Girlhood: Teens Around the World in Their Own Voices" on "St. Louis on the Air." The book includes excerpts from 30 girls' diaries, including a teenager in the suburbs of St. Louis.
The St. Louis County Library celebrates Black History through 40 virtual programs that include presentations by local artists, a genealogy workshop and a conversation with author Walter Mosley.
OtherAuthor Tom Vanderbilt talks with host Sarah Fenske about his new book "Beginners: The Joy and Transformative Power of Lifelong Learning," which highlights his yearlong experience tackling five new skills: chess, singing, surfing, drawing and juggling.
As a part-time clerk for St. Louis County Library, Maura Lydon felt like she was beginning to fulfill her calling over the past couple of years. Then, in August, the library system laid her off, along with 121 other part-time employees. The library administration cited reduced services and efforts to be “good stewards” of taxpayer funds as the basis for the staff cuts. But that reasoning doesn’t hold up in the opinions of some current and former employees.