By the end of the year, 88 students will begin a program that could result in them earning a high school degree.The Career Online High School is a…
The more than 80,000 adults in the St. Louis region who didn’t earn a high school diploma will soon have two different ways to finish their…
St. Louis County Library has been going through some changes these past few years – closing and reopening renovated branches and experimenting with other…
Don't count on using an interlibrary loan service to get a book from outside your town or county in the future. Services like interlibrary loan may be at…
The St. Louis County Library will explore the disappearance of African-American sites in the region at a presentation tonight.The panel discussion is the…
Phase two of a project to replace or renovate 19 of the 20 St. Louis County Library brancheis set to get underway this month.The first phase of what’s…
Whether mom reads “Goodnight Moon” before bedtime every night for a month, or grandpa helps the kids check out seven new books each week, St. Louis County…
Summer is in full swing and whether you’re looking for a book to read poolside, at the park, or just staying indoors to get away from the heat, we’ve got…
A St. Louis County Library program that gives books to newborns to boost early childhood literacy is doubling in size this year.The "Born to Read"…
A new local organization wants to get the conversation about race and racism started with a group you may not expect: young, white families in St. Louis.…