The St. Louis Community Credit Union is partnering with BJC, SSM Health and the James S. McDonnell Foundation to bring nearly $15 million in business loans to underserved communities in St. Louis.
Archivist and entrepreneur Emma Prince helps build archives for places like the City Museum and people like Carmelite Sisters in Los Angeles.
Soul Spa Collective, a new wellness group, is promoting self-care practices that prioritize community connection.
A free mentorship program is giving entrepreneurs feedback on their grant applications.
“Caracas is a place I was born and raised, and it is my first home. St. Louis is my second one. The Arch now has become a symbol for home to me,” said one Latina resident who moved to St. Louis in the past decade.
Mientras algunos grupos en St. Louis están disminuyendo en población según el último censo, la comunidad latina está creciendo exponencialmente. “El Arch ahora se ha convertido en un símbolo de hogar para mí,” dijo una residente latina que se mudó a St. Louis en la última década.
Abra McField, the CEO and founder of St. Louis-based Abra Kadabra Hair & Healing, has noticed a surge in clients dealing with hair loss since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
St. Louis entrepreneur Akeem Shannon made a deal for his Flipstik invention on ABC's hit show "Shark Tank." He joined "St. Louis on the Air" to talk about the deal and the nerve-wracking experience.
According to a report by Diversity VC and Rate My Investor, less than 1% of all venture capital funding supports black entrepreneurs and 1.8% of funding…
Arch Grants is only 6 years old, but to date it has awarded more than $6 million in cash grants that have helped launch more than 100 companies.Arch…