St. Louis lost out to Chicago when tracks were first laid for the transcontinental railroad. Author Molly Butterworth explains why on "St. Louis on the Air."
The Delmar Loop Trolley was scheduled to welcome riders today for the first time. But the storm that dumped several inches of snow across the region…
St. Louis has a long had a special relationship with the trolley. It’s a relationship immortalized by actor and singer Judy Garland in the film Meet Me In…
This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon: On Wednesday, along Edgewood Street in downtown Atlanta, 80-foot-sections of steel rail were lowered…
This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, March 11, 2013 - On Wednesday, along Edgewood Street in downtown Atlanta, 80-foot-sections of steel…
A modern streetcar line in St. Louis could spur an estimated $540 million in development in its first five years of operation, and more than $2 billion…
There usually isn't much of a market for old streetcars, many of which were built in the 1920s. And the ones you can find are usually in pretty bad…