Both bills now proceed to the Senate.
One bill has an estimated cost of almost $1.3 billion, most of which is the result of proposed income tax changes.
It’s a problem that metastasized over decades, making it unrealistic to expect a speedy solution to the roughly 25,000 vacant buildings and lots inside city limits.
The Democratic governor also peppered his seventh budget blueprint — which Republicans derided as the largest in state history — with key policy proposals for the upcoming fiscal year.
The proposal would have let county voters decide whether to tax online purchases from out-of-state retailers.
Legislation from Alderwoman Cara Spencer would establish a mechanism for the city to reimburse 85% of Anders’ payroll, earnings and net profit taxes on new hires at the firm.
Long was one of the first elected officials to publicly support Trump. When most considered Trump’s candidacy a joke, Long touted Trump to foreign leaders and GOP insiders who snickered at the notion that the real estate mogul and reality TV star would be the next president.
Chaz Littlejohn stole and leaked Trump’s tax returns. Was it brave? Or just a crime?
The city is seeking some $36,295 in earnings and payroll taxes that the developer failed to pay in 2022.
A circuit court in May ruled that both a county and a local municipality can impose a 3% sales tax at dispensaries in their jurisdictions.