lThe self-described “group of fierce Latina women uniting to combat racial injustice and demand equality” hopes to advocate for immigration reform and help immigrants facing food insecurity.
El “grupo de mujeres latinas valientes unidas para combatir la injusticia racial y exigir igualdad” espera abogar por una reforma migratoria mientras apoya a los inmigrantes en St. Louis.
The City of St. Louis receives at least $162 million in federal dollars, and over 150 city government projects would be impacted if President Donald Trump’s executive orders stick.
Varios negocios hispanos cerrarán temporalmente la próxima semana como parte de un esfuerzo coordinado para resaltar las contribuciones económicas y culturales de los inmigrantes en la región tras los planes de deportación de Trump.
A number of Hispanic-owned businesses will temporarily close next week as part of a coordinated effort to highlight the contributions of immigrants to the region's economy and culture in the wake of Trump’s mass deportation plans.
The Midwest Newsroom y sus socios le pidieron a los departamentos policiales y a las oficinas de sheriffs en Iowa, Kansas, Missouri y Nebraska que nos informen si van a cooperar con el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas y otras agencias federales como parte del plan de “deportaciones masivas” de la Casa Blanca de Trump.
The protest comes two days after employees at a St. Charles County restaurant said three workers without criminal records were detained.
Community organizers and a local attorney are helping create family emergency plans for residents who live in mixed-status homes — including preparing legal documents — as President Donald Trump’s administration ramps up mass deportation efforts.
A new memo from the Office of Management and Budget appeared to say the freeze was reversed, but the White House said that only the original memo was rescinded, not the freeze itself.
The funding freeze could affect trillions of dollars and cause widespread disruption in health care research, education programs and other initiatives. Grants that have been awarded but not spent are also halted.