Updated at 4:04 p.m. with more on the tuition debate:Students at the University of Missouri will pay just 0.8 percent more in tuition and fees at the…
The University of Missouri–St. Louis is just a few miles from the Ferguson street where Michael Brown was shot and killed Aug. 9. Chancellor Thomas George…
Updated at 10:12 p.m. with investigator hired for Courey case:Tuition for resident undergraduate students at the four campuses of the University of…
This story will be updated. Corrected at 12:30 p.m. to reflect when the vote was taken. Employees of the University of Missouri system will now be able to…
Hot forecast brings heat advisoryThe National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the St. Louis area.The advisory is in effect starting at noon…
University of Missouri curators want to see more spending cuts in non-academic programs before they agree to raise tuition at the system's four…
The University of Missouri has chosen its next president and expects to announce its decision next week. Board of Curators chairman Warren Erdman says a…
University of Missouri curators will meet behind closed doors Monday night for the second time in two weeks as they continue to search for a new system…
We will have more information on this for you following the meeting.University of Missouri curators plan to meet behind closed doors Tuesday afternoon…
Years of steady enrollment growth and declining state support has University of Missouri leaders discussing limits on the number of students who attend…